4 Benefits of Using Fibre Laser Cutting Machines for Metal

When looking for high-quality metal cutting tools, it is important to remember that there is only a handful of machines that can pull off precision cuts. One of those is a professional fibre laser cutting machine. As the name implies, this machine utilizes fibre laser technology to precisely cut through sheets of metal while offering higher efficiency compared to CO2 lasers.

However, that is not the only difference, as fibre laser cutting technology offers several advantages. Below is a list of reasons this type of cutting machine is superior to other choices:


1. Higher speeds

A fibre laser cutting machine can make cuts as much as three times faster than the speed of CO2 laser cutting machines. This, however, will be dependent on the size of the metal that is being cut.

For example, a sheet of metal approximately 1 millimetre thick can be cut in one-third of the usual time. At 2 millimetres, the normal time is reduced by half. Nevertheless, a fibre laser cutting machine is always much faster than its CO2 counterpart.


2. Better efficiency

A fibre laser cutting machine is much more efficient in terms of electricity use. For example, a 3-kilowatt fibre laser cutting machine uses only about thirty to forty per cent of the power consumed by a CO2 variant. 

This gap translates to huge power savings, especially in the long term. Over a year, this can amount to a considerable reduction in electrical bills. Thanks to the efficiency, the machine's lifetime is also extended, as it is not put under as much stress as other laser cutting machines.


3. Reduced costs

The costs for carrying out maintenance and repairs with fibre laser technology are much lower compared to other laser cutting solutions like CO2. That is because a fibre laser has little to no moving parts, nor does it use expensive components like special mirrors.

Overall, you can use a fibre laser cutting machine at about half the cost it takes to use a C02-based version. Plus, you can operate it for much longer before requiring any servicing.

Additionally, the initial purchase cost of a fibre cutting machine is lower, meaning it is a much more affordable option than the alternatives.


4. Works with reflective metals

You might think that this type of machine can only cut through standard sheet metal, but is capable of making short work of other metals, such as brass and copper. This is because there are no back reflections in the design, meaning that there is no risk of damaging the equipment when cutting reflective materials.



A fibre laser cutting machine is one of the best tools you can have for cutting metal precisely and quickly, whether for use as signage or anything else.

With that said, there are many different types of fibre laser cutting machines, each with unique features. Take time to research which one can give you the functionality you require, in addition to the features that can help you with your work. That way, you get to rely on a machine that can handle any job you require.

Looking to get some metal cut? Graffiti Stickers offer laser cutting services at the Gold Coast, including stencils, key tags, and more. Get in touch with us to learn how we can help!

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